Monday, August 09, 2010

August 9, 2010 - 11:02
I am fascinated by the clouds... Here's one photo...
Labels: 2010 - 11:02, August 9
August 9, 2010 - 10:36
I want to blog my praising to God the Father for taking care of me and my health. It has been a stressful half of the year wondering what my health status was. Thank you Lord I finally got word from my breast surgeon that it's not life threatening... I love you Jesus You are an Awesome God
I want to blog my praising to God the Father for taking care of me and my health. It has been a stressful half of the year wondering what my health status was. Thank you Lord I finally got word from my breast surgeon that it's not life threatening... I love you Jesus You are an Awesome God
Labels: Praise the Lord
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
August 2, 2006
I created a friendster blog today.
I also want to pray for the success of the surgery of my dear cousin Donna. May the doctors do their best and GOD guide them and heal cousin Donna.
Drove to the mall last July 30. Got so tired and I hurt the day after. My hysterectomy has just been 18 days in counting... and I should not have driven that far and on a freeway... Gosh! Am glad to be home and just chillin'.
I created a friendster blog today.
I also want to pray for the success of the surgery of my dear cousin Donna. May the doctors do their best and GOD guide them and heal cousin Donna.
Drove to the mall last July 30. Got so tired and I hurt the day after. My hysterectomy has just been 18 days in counting... and I should not have driven that far and on a freeway... Gosh! Am glad to be home and just chillin'.
Monday, July 24, 2006
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Today April 20, 2006
Good to be back online! I had a millions things to do over the past weeks.
I visited my foster mom "Mama Nene" in Los Angeles, California two weeks ago. My mom is leaving for the Philippines come April 22. Mama Nene, Nene Ramollete, and I visited "The Grove" and took some photos. Of course, when I am in LA, I always squeeze some time to see my dear old friend Siony Mansueto.
I have been in the US nearly 6 years and I never been to a Jollibee-USA. So when Siony and I hook up, I told her to met me at a Jollibee joint. I was so happy to finally get to eat in a Jollibee joint. Jollibee is my true love!!!
Enjoy the photos!

Good to be back online! I had a millions things to do over the past weeks.
I visited my foster mom "Mama Nene" in Los Angeles, California two weeks ago. My mom is leaving for the Philippines come April 22. Mama Nene, Nene Ramollete, and I visited "The Grove" and took some photos. Of course, when I am in LA, I always squeeze some time to see my dear old friend Siony Mansueto.
I have been in the US nearly 6 years and I never been to a Jollibee-USA. So when Siony and I hook up, I told her to met me at a Jollibee joint. I was so happy to finally get to eat in a Jollibee joint. Jollibee is my true love!!!
Enjoy the photos!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Today March 21, 2006
For some reason my Firefox is acting weird, I had to use Internet Explorer to view my blog properly.
Ate lunch at PeiWei with April. It's always been one of our (Skip and I) favorite place to eat.
For some reason my Firefox is acting weird, I had to use Internet Explorer to view my blog properly.
Ate lunch at PeiWei with April. It's always been one of our (Skip and I) favorite place to eat.
Monday, March 20, 2006
Today March 20, 2006
First day back in school after the week long springbreak and first day of Spring too!
I have some photos to share. Christmas vacation in California with my friend Siony and her family. Enjoy!

First day back in school after the week long springbreak and first day of Spring too!
I have some photos to share. Christmas vacation in California with my friend Siony and her family. Enjoy!

Sunday, March 19, 2006
Today March 19, 2006
It rained and rained last night. There were flash flood warnings and lots of accidents on the road, people evacuating their houses or apartments.
Today it was still raining, but it did not stop us from going to church (Meadow View Church of Christ). Then we ate at Razoo's. As always, they were appetizing, but the menu seems to be limited unlike before.
It rained and rained last night. There were flash flood warnings and lots of accidents on the road, people evacuating their houses or apartments.
Today it was still raining, but it did not stop us from going to church (Meadow View Church of Christ). Then we ate at Razoo's. As always, they were appetizing, but the menu seems to be limited unlike before.
Saturday, March 18, 2006
March 18, 2006
Skip bought a new saw for his crown moulding project for our house.
I went shopping on a rainy day...
Skip bought a new saw for his crown moulding project for our house.
I went shopping on a rainy day...
Friday, March 17, 2006
Today March 17, 2006
My car wasn't fix til after lunch, which was about 1PM. I wasn't able to attend the baby shower party of our officemate Carrie. What a shame!
But we still had a great time today. Danaea is still on her springbreak and so we went to see the movie "She's the Man." It was amazing how many people went to see it on a Friday. We went there about 2PM, and all the tickets were sold for that time slot. We have to buy tickets for the 4:45PM show in advance and came in about 30 minutes early to get good seats. And surely enough, we did get the best seats in the house and when the show was about to start, the theater was packed.
We went and ate at Red Robins. It's our first time to eat here and I was impressed, I like their banzai burger. Looking forward to visit this restaurant sometime in the future with my hubby.
My car wasn't fix til after lunch, which was about 1PM. I wasn't able to attend the baby shower party of our officemate Carrie. What a shame!
But we still had a great time today. Danaea is still on her springbreak and so we went to see the movie "She's the Man." It was amazing how many people went to see it on a Friday. We went there about 2PM, and all the tickets were sold for that time slot. We have to buy tickets for the 4:45PM show in advance and came in about 30 minutes early to get good seats. And surely enough, we did get the best seats in the house and when the show was about to start, the theater was packed.
We went and ate at Red Robins. It's our first time to eat here and I was impressed, I like their banzai burger. Looking forward to visit this restaurant sometime in the future with my hubby.
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Today March 16, 2006
Last night I brought my car to R & K Auto Repair right after work. It had some mechanical problem and I wanted it fix and running properly.
Skip had to bring me to the office early today, then go back home and bring Danaea to school. It is always great to have him specially on times like this (my car is under repair). Then in the afternoon he had to pick Danaea up and then me. What a very nice and loving husband he is. I love him so! Thank you again GOD for Skip in our life!
Tomorrow is my flex Friday, so Skip don't need to bring me to work. I hope that my car gets fix too so I could do some errands!
Last night I brought my car to R & K Auto Repair right after work. It had some mechanical problem and I wanted it fix and running properly.
Skip had to bring me to the office early today, then go back home and bring Danaea to school. It is always great to have him specially on times like this (my car is under repair). Then in the afternoon he had to pick Danaea up and then me. What a very nice and loving husband he is. I love him so! Thank you again GOD for Skip in our life!
Tomorrow is my flex Friday, so Skip don't need to bring me to work. I hope that my car gets fix too so I could do some errands!
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Today March 14, 2006
I wanna say "THANK YOU" for visiting my site... and for returning to visit it.
I just talked to a very loved and cared for person in our family "Uncle Gary." It has been a year or so since we last talked to him and I was so happy to hear his voice. Hopefully, he would come and visit us this year.
Here's some more Iliganon photos from Rosanna Nunez - Plaza.

I wanna say "THANK YOU" for visiting my site... and for returning to visit it.
I just talked to a very loved and cared for person in our family "Uncle Gary." It has been a year or so since we last talked to him and I was so happy to hear his voice. Hopefully, he would come and visit us this year.
Here's some more Iliganon photos from Rosanna Nunez - Plaza.

Monday, March 13, 2006
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Today March 12, 2006
A birthday of a dear friend Nemia Smith of Kileen, Texas. I called to greet her a "Happy Birthday," but she was having fun in New York City with family and friends.
Went to Highland Oaks Church of Christ.
Visited the Gun Show in Mesquite, Texas with family and Patrick. He got himself a long rifle. Skip got me a Shakespeare knife for fishing Then we all ate at Chili's near our house.
We bought a painting for our living room that depicted a Philippine flower "Kalachuchi" at Grapevine Mill Mall and watch the movie Failure to Launch in AMC 16.
We had a pretty busy day!!!
A birthday of a dear friend Nemia Smith of Kileen, Texas. I called to greet her a "Happy Birthday," but she was having fun in New York City with family and friends.
Went to Highland Oaks Church of Christ.
Visited the Gun Show in Mesquite, Texas with family and Patrick. He got himself a long rifle. Skip got me a Shakespeare knife for fishing Then we all ate at Chili's near our house.
We bought a painting for our living room that depicted a Philippine flower "Kalachuchi" at Grapevine Mill Mall and watch the movie Failure to Launch in AMC 16.
We had a pretty busy day!!!
Saturday, March 11, 2006
Today March 11, 2006
Skip and I attended the "Comedy Defensive Driving" in Johnny Carino's Restaurant (Rockwall, Texas). I was glad it was over. I wasn't really impressed at the comedy, nor the restaurant.
I wasn't feeling well after the seminar, so I bailed out to attend Sancha's mother-in-laws birthday party.
Skip and I attended the "Comedy Defensive Driving" in Johnny Carino's Restaurant (Rockwall, Texas). I was glad it was over. I wasn't really impressed at the comedy, nor the restaurant.
I wasn't feeling well after the seminar, so I bailed out to attend Sancha's mother-in-laws birthday party.
Friday, March 10, 2006
Today March 10, 2006
Rebates, rebates, rebates... I hate the process, but who would say no to rebates even if it takes ages to get your money back. Don't you hate that?
Rebates, rebates, rebates... I hate the process, but who would say no to rebates even if it takes ages to get your money back. Don't you hate that?
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Today March 9, 2006
Just enrolled myself and my hubby for a Comedy Defensive Driving. I need it to take care of my speeding ticket. It was only 29.95, plus delivery of the certificate (it depends on how quickly you want the certificate delivered), but US postal delivery is free which takes about a week.
Just enrolled myself and my hubby for a Comedy Defensive Driving. I need it to take care of my speeding ticket. It was only 29.95, plus delivery of the certificate (it depends on how quickly you want the certificate delivered), but US postal delivery is free which takes about a week.
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Monday, March 06, 2006
Today March 6, 2006
Too much shopping yesterday. I got the bug! Now I am out of commission. Fancy that!
Too much shopping yesterday. I got the bug! Now I am out of commission. Fancy that!
Sunday, March 05, 2006
Saturday, March 04, 2006
Today March 4, 2006
The game was to start at 9:15am. We got to the court at 9am. Skip was so proud because they played well. Danaea's team won. We were made to come back at 3PM for the awarding. Monet again asked to be with us until the awarding. We deposited the money that CMI paid us yesterday with, and bought lunch from Taco Bell.
Then we left Skip at home to accomodate Tim who was going to fix our computers and went back to the awarding ceremony. Black Widow, was 3rd and 2nd placer. But their team mate Skyler got the MVP and Shooter special awards. After the awards, Monet still went with us to watch the movie UltraViolet which was more like a videogame than a movie. So unrealistic. Not worth watching in the movie theaters.
Skip went to MicroCenter to get a brand new laptop, HP zd8230. He didn't buy the one in HP because it was refurbished. He needs it while he goes to Albuquerque, New Mexico for the week.
The game was to start at 9:15am. We got to the court at 9am. Skip was so proud because they played well. Danaea's team won. We were made to come back at 3PM for the awarding. Monet again asked to be with us until the awarding. We deposited the money that CMI paid us yesterday with, and bought lunch from Taco Bell.
Then we left Skip at home to accomodate Tim who was going to fix our computers and went back to the awarding ceremony. Black Widow, was 3rd and 2nd placer. But their team mate Skyler got the MVP and Shooter special awards. After the awards, Monet still went with us to watch the movie UltraViolet which was more like a videogame than a movie. So unrealistic. Not worth watching in the movie theaters.
Skip went to MicroCenter to get a brand new laptop, HP zd8230. He didn't buy the one in HP because it was refurbished. He needs it while he goes to Albuquerque, New Mexico for the week.
Friday, March 03, 2006
Today March 3, 2006
I took 2 1/2 hours off from work. Danaea has a basketball game tonight and we are all excited for her.
The game sucked!!! The coach came in 5 minutes before the game. Danaea's team wasn't able to practice, they didn't have a ball to practice with. It has been a week since they played ball... an as expected, they lost the game.
Her co-player Monet asked to sleep over for the night. Tomorrow, they need to be up early for another game... championship game.
I took 2 1/2 hours off from work. Danaea has a basketball game tonight and we are all excited for her.
The game sucked!!! The coach came in 5 minutes before the game. Danaea's team wasn't able to practice, they didn't have a ball to practice with. It has been a week since they played ball... an as expected, they lost the game.
Her co-player Monet asked to sleep over for the night. Tomorrow, they need to be up early for another game... championship game.
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Today March 2, 2006
First time I was able to do the Good News Board in over a year. Really makes me feel great!
Bought a whimsical loop for our garden.
First time I was able to do the Good News Board in over a year. Really makes me feel great!
Bought a whimsical loop for our garden.
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Today March 1, 2006
Today was one of my unforgetable day as a driver. For the very first time, I got a speeding ticket. I went over by 18MPH on a 60MPH traffic. I was so busted!
This was my first offense, but the police gave me a ticket anyways. He said, it will be erased in my record if I take Defensive Driving Class.
If I fail to take the class in 21 days the penalty will be $255 for 16-20 miles over speed limit.
From now on, I will not mind if someone tells me I drive like a grandma. I rather be a grandma driver and be safe, than be cool and sorry!
Today was one of my unforgetable day as a driver. For the very first time, I got a speeding ticket. I went over by 18MPH on a 60MPH traffic. I was so busted!
This was my first offense, but the police gave me a ticket anyways. He said, it will be erased in my record if I take Defensive Driving Class.
If I fail to take the class in 21 days the penalty will be $255 for 16-20 miles over speed limit.
From now on, I will not mind if someone tells me I drive like a grandma. I rather be a grandma driver and be safe, than be cool and sorry!
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Today February 28, 2006
is Payday! We went to a different restaurant... Flying Fish. It was as always good!
is Payday! We went to a different restaurant... Flying Fish. It was as always good!
Monday, February 27, 2006
Today February 27, 2006
It's Monday. So far things are slow... Let's see later what I can update my blog.
It's Monday. So far things are slow... Let's see later what I can update my blog.
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Saturday, February 25, 2006
Today February 25, 2006
Danaea was the MVP of the day in their basketball game. They didn't win, but they did a great job. In the last quarter, there was only 4(3 was fouled) of them against 5. There were normally 8 of them in the team, the other team though had 10 players. But the score was 27 - 32. We are so proud of her.
Danaea was the MVP of the day in their basketball game. They didn't win, but they did a great job. In the last quarter, there was only 4(3 was fouled) of them against 5. There were normally 8 of them in the team, the other team though had 10 players. But the score was 27 - 32. We are so proud of her.
Friday, February 24, 2006
Today February 24, 2006
I had a good lunch with Rowena and Chris at Flying Fish.
Here's a news about the Philippines!
I had a good lunch with Rowena and Chris at Flying Fish.
Here's a news about the Philippines!