Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Today January 10, 2006

Worrying about my cousin made me look online to see about abuse and battered wife. I was so happy to note that there is help for them.

In Canada, they have website called Education Wife Assault and the Wife Abuse/Assault , these links tell you signs to determine if you are an abuse wife. Then they other sites on Wife Abuse: Impact on Children, Wife Abuse A Crime and lots more.

In America, these are some of the sites: Wife Abuse as an Emerging Healthcare Issue, Plain Talk About Wife Abuse, Why Does An Abused Wife Respond The Way She Does, and many more.

In other countries, here some of the sites Domestic Violence, Female Suide Wife Abuse, SDNP, Wife Abuse in Palestine Society and others.

But the best result I got for my cousin was on this site: Immigration Benefits as Battered Spouse or Child. There is now hope for her. She just needs to be brave enough to report these abuses and she can petition for herself. She doesn't need to be intimidated now. I am excited and I can't wait to share this information to her.


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