Today - August 23, 2005
Finally, my day has come to be officially recognized as an american citizen. I was so elated! I was all smiles!!!
Danaea can't come with me, because the 8th grade class are stricter now. So, we just had our picture taken by Skip... which is a little blurry, my apologies... hehehe...

Our appointment was at 9:15 at the Dallas Convention Center, Ballroom A. And we were surprised to see that there were so many people around. There were 701 new citizens, plus their families. How crowded is that? It was like a big graduation party. There were five long lines and we had to wake to the end of it and pick which line to be in. I got lucky! I picked the line that was moving faster than any other line.
I saw some filipina, and I looked at their way and smiled, and they just stared at me. Oh well, I guess they were not excited as I was. Maybe they just were not the friendly ones, or for whatever reason, they just didn't reciprocated my friendliness. I tried to look around, I saw other excited people like me, but there were also those that were just standing there like mannequins, or like puppets.
It made me wonder. Are they excited to become a citizen? Is this what they would wanna be? Or they just have to be for some other reason only known to them? It kinda made me sad that anyone would bother to apply for an american citizenship and not be excited. I dont know, maybe I am just an excitable person, I guess!
In my opinion, if you are not happy to become one, then don't. If you are on exile, then you should be happy to be accepted here. Ff not, then go to another country and see if they accept you there. If you find it hard for other countries to accept you, then you should be grateful that the US accepted you. Why are they ungrateful? Well, that's another issue I shouldn't touch, because it is so sensitive and it will only conclude in arguments and fights. Let's go back to happy thoughts!

After my citizenship, Skip and I had a special lunch at Aija. It is a filipino owned and managed restaurant located at downtown Dallas. It was so good! Skip was so impressed that he told me he wants to go back and eat at that place.
Finally, my day has come to be officially recognized as an american citizen. I was so elated! I was all smiles!!!
Danaea can't come with me, because the 8th grade class are stricter now. So, we just had our picture taken by Skip... which is a little blurry, my apologies... hehehe...

Our appointment was at 9:15 at the Dallas Convention Center, Ballroom A. And we were surprised to see that there were so many people around. There were 701 new citizens, plus their families. How crowded is that? It was like a big graduation party. There were five long lines and we had to wake to the end of it and pick which line to be in. I got lucky! I picked the line that was moving faster than any other line.
I saw some filipina, and I looked at their way and smiled, and they just stared at me. Oh well, I guess they were not excited as I was. Maybe they just were not the friendly ones, or for whatever reason, they just didn't reciprocated my friendliness. I tried to look around, I saw other excited people like me, but there were also those that were just standing there like mannequins, or like puppets.
It made me wonder. Are they excited to become a citizen? Is this what they would wanna be? Or they just have to be for some other reason only known to them? It kinda made me sad that anyone would bother to apply for an american citizenship and not be excited. I dont know, maybe I am just an excitable person, I guess!
In my opinion, if you are not happy to become one, then don't. If you are on exile, then you should be happy to be accepted here. Ff not, then go to another country and see if they accept you there. If you find it hard for other countries to accept you, then you should be grateful that the US accepted you. Why are they ungrateful? Well, that's another issue I shouldn't touch, because it is so sensitive and it will only conclude in arguments and fights. Let's go back to happy thoughts!

After my citizenship, Skip and I had a special lunch at Aija. It is a filipino owned and managed restaurant located at downtown Dallas. It was so good! Skip was so impressed that he told me he wants to go back and eat at that place.

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