Today - August 29, 2005
Monday, Monday, Monday!
Rush, rush, rush.
Everyone was all anxious with the storm Katrina. My boss Larry didn't show up for work, for they were constantly monitoring the development of the storm. His in-laws lives in the area where the storm is heading. Eveyone was checking the news online.
My "kababayan," Tonette O'Hanlon lives in Louisiana, so I sent her a text message, inquiring how she was. She text me back and said, they evacuated to Houston for safety. Some people, just stayed behind, for their own reasons.
It was the worse storm ever! Lots of damage! No power, no telephone working. Floods all over. See links below.
Monday, Monday, Monday!
Rush, rush, rush.
Everyone was all anxious with the storm Katrina. My boss Larry didn't show up for work, for they were constantly monitoring the development of the storm. His in-laws lives in the area where the storm is heading. Eveyone was checking the news online.
My "kababayan," Tonette O'Hanlon lives in Louisiana, so I sent her a text message, inquiring how she was. She text me back and said, they evacuated to Houston for safety. Some people, just stayed behind, for their own reasons.
It was the worse storm ever! Lots of damage! No power, no telephone working. Floods all over. See links below.
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